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As the owner and creator of Urban Armor Jewelry; medieval history, art, architecture and particularly, weaponry and armor is a huge inspiration within my life.


As a young child growing up, medieval history quickly became a part of my life. I can remember watching old Disney films such as Sword in the Stone and Robin Hood as far back as 3 years old. However, it wasn’t until I discovered the popular game series The Legend of Zelda and specifically, Ocarina of Time that solidified my passion for the fantasy and medieval culture. Video games became another large part of my life, especially role playing games (RPGs). I became encompassed in these games. Final Fantasy, Lunar, Everquest and Warcraft were my favourite series because of the fantasy and medieval elements incorporated in these games. As I continued to grow, so did my love for anything medieval. Medieval and fantasy movies and books became a large inspiration for me as well. I also developed a love for medieval and ancient architecture, which ultimately, lead me to pursuing a degree in civil engineering.


In addition to my passion for the medieval history, I always had a fascination with jewelry. One day I woke up with a medieval urge. Typically I would watch Lord of the Rings to get my medieval fix but that day, it wouldn't cut it. So I decided it was time I found a practical way to express my passion for this beautiful part of history as I saw it. It was this that lead me to using chainmail armor as a form of modern day jewelry and accessories. It was that day that gave birth to Urban Armor Jewelry. 


Chainmail, chainmaille, mail or maille is a type of armor commonly worn and made popular during the Iron Age or Middle Ages. The armor is made up of small metal rings linked together in a pattern. This proved to be effective in protecting the wearer from slashing and piercing weapons.


The first known examples of the common European mail were encountered by the Romans when they came in contact with Gaul forces in combat. However, there is evidence indicating examples of chainmail dating back as far as 4th century BC, used by the Etruscans.


The chainmail found during the Middle Ages is linked in a pattern known as European 4 in 1. In this pattern, 4 tiny metal rings are linked onto 1 and linked together into a pattern that forms this traditional chainmail. This form of armor was often highly prized as it was expensive and time consuming to produce. However, a soldier with this protection often made the difference between life and death on the battle field. Corpses of combatants were often looted for their mail to be worn by their new owners or sold for a high price. With the development of medieval weaponry, such as crossbows and lances, chainmail became less effective in protecting the wearer.


Very few industries today use chainmail. Butchers will use fine mail gloves to protect themselves from cuts, where as shark divers will use entire suits of fine mail to protect them from shark bites. Most uses for chainmail can now be found as decoration, jewelry, art or other practical uses. Historical recreation and reenactment groups will often use chainmail as well as the fashion and costume industry.


Our vision is to re-introduce the world to the ancient art of chainmail but in a very modern way. We want people to enjoy the beauty of this armor and appreciate what as much as we do. But because chainmail has become almost obsolete in today's society, urbanizing it will be a challenge.


There are several ways we plan on urbanizing chainmail armor:


Art - Chainmail is beautiful. Noble knights would use chainmail to protect themselves while defending their lands and the crown. When it comes to creating chainmail, many techniques exist today that did not exist in the Middle Ages. Taking advantage of this, we can create unique art out of these tiny rings.


Jewelry - Our bread and butter. What looks more stunning than a piece of jewelry or the perfectly hanging necklace? We use a variety of patterns and originality to design our jewelry to take this ancient armor into the modern era.


Accessories - We look at common objects that people use on a regular basis and try to incorporate chainmail into these items. Anything from wall hangings, key chains to lanyards and wallet chains, we want to see it used in your everyday life.


Custom work - We want to be as unique and creative as possible. If you have any ideas where you would like to see chainmail used, do not hesitate to contact us so we can help your ideas and visions become reality. We would love to hear your ideas and welcome the challenge of trying something new and unique!



Most Urban Armor Jewelry pieces are created using aluminum material. This is because aluminum is the most efficient material for the products we like to create. Aluminum is extremely resistant to wear and tarnishing, will hold its shine, light weight and inexpensive. It can also come in various colors and can be easily manipulated into many shapes and forms.


All our pieces are created by hand with patience and precision, carefully linking rings together one by one, just as they did in the Middle Ages. This process is long and time consuming but it allows us to create more original pieces and the end result is well worth it.

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